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contestable 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. capable of being contested
  2. (Contestability) In economics, a contestable market is a market served by a small number of firms, but which is nevertheless characterized by competitive pricing because of the existence of potential short-term entrants. ...
  3. That which can be contested
  4. (Contestability) All insurance companies have a right to "contest" a claim if the insured dies in the first two years. If an individual lied on an application or failed to reveal a condition that would have resulted in denial, the company will refuse to pay the claim. ...
  5. (Contestability) is the extent to which the provision of a good or service is open to alternative suppliers.
  6. In insurance, this refers to the right of the insurance company to question or challenge the accuracy of information provided by the applicant. This right is not unconditional, but expires after two years (known as the contestable period) in most cases, after which the policy cannot be contested.
  7. A commercial electricity customer within a certain usage bracket (Type 1-4 for example)