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containerization 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (containerize) package in a container; "The cargo was containerized for safe and efficient shipping"
  2. Containerization (or containerisation) is a system of intermodal freight transport using standard intermodal containers as prescribed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). These can be loaded and sealed intact onto container ships, railroad cars, planes, and trucks.
  3. (Containerize) To put waste into a proper receptacle, such as a trash can, trash bag or dumpster; properly containerizing waste prevents in form becoming a problem as litter.
  4. (Containerized) Trees that were grown in the field and then transplanted into buckets for the final growing season or just before sale.
  5. (Containerized) trees grown in pots in a nursery since propagation, usually in a soil less mix; may have been stepped-up numerous times before sales.
  6. The technique of using a container to store, protect and handle cargo while it is in transit. This shipping method has both greatly expedited the speed at which cargo is moved from origin to destination and lowered shipping costs.
  7. shipping system based upon large cargo-carrying containers that can be easily be interchanged between trucks, trains and ships without re-handling of contents.
  8. A shipment method in which commodities are placed in containers, and after initial loading, the commodities, per se, are not rehandled in shipment until they are unloaded at the destination.
  9. Stowage of general or special cargoes in a container for transport in the various modes.
  10. Refers to the increasing and generalized use of the container as a means of freight transport. As a standard and versatile means, the container has greatly contributed to intermodal transportation of merchandise and its widespread use, therefore, is responsible for profound mutations in the ...
  11. the development of standardized metal containers for cargo which can be transshipped between train, lorry and ship carriers. Revolutionized haulage by reducing transshipment times and replacing large numbers of labourers with crane technology.
  12. The placing of infants into containers (i.e., any piece of equipment which restricts the movement of the infant, e.g. swings, walkers, infant seats, or jump-ups).
  13. The technique of using a boxlike device in which a number of packages are stored, protected, and handled as a single unit in transit.
  14. The system and process of placing cargo material in a standard- size container, in which the contents are not rehandled as the container is moved between ship, rail, truck or other transportation modes.
  15. The practice of packing cargo in huge, standardized containers for more efficient shipping and transfer from one form of transport to another
  16. Is a concept for the ultimate unitizing of cargo used by both steamship lines and air cargo lines. Containers allow a greater amount of cargo protection from weather, damage, and theft.
  17. using standardized containers for the storage and transport of materials within a facility or supply chain. Materials are ordered in multiples of the container quantity. ...
  18. The use of a receptacle made of cardboard, steel, fiberglass, etc. into which the individual items of a shipment are loaded.  A container may be a box, carton, drum barrel, etc.
  19. The process of packing and sealing a number of items into one unit that is easily moved and shipped.