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contacted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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contacting, present participle; contacted, past tense; contacts, 3rd person singular present; contacted, past participle;
  1. Communicate with (someone), typically in order to give or receive specific information

  1. (Contactee) Contactees are persons who claim to have experienced contact with extraterrestrials. Contactees have typically reported that they were given messages or profound wisdom by extraterrestrial beings, and that they were compelled to share these messages. ...
  2. (Contacts) A contact lens (also known simply as a contact) is a corrective, cosmetic, or therapeutic lens usually placed on the cornea of the eye. ...
  3. (Contacting) The missionary act of approaching and engaging a potential convert in a discussion about Mormon faith. This may include knocking on doors or simply talking to someone on the street.
  4. (Contacts) Elements used to mechanically make or break an electric circuit.
  5. Contacts are hidden devices that detect the opening of protected windows and doors. When the contact is broken, there is a chime if the home security system is disarmed. ...
  6. (Contacts) A program that tracks contact information.
  7. (Contacts) In case of problems, please contact us by completing the form on the Contact Page of our website.
  8. (CONTACTS) A thin plastic or glass lens that is fitted over the cornea of the eye to correct various vision problems.
  9. (CONTACTS) Michael LoDico - VP Sales & Administration
  10. (Contacts) An application that allows the user to create and manage records about friends, colleagues, and business contacts.
  11. (Contacts) An email address that alerts should be sent to when there is a problem with a stream.
  12. (Contacts) Connection point for electrical wires
  13. (Contacts) Lists all captains that you've added as your contacts and more. Whenever you click another captain's name, it will take you to that captain's description page, where you have 'Add Contact' tab. ...
  14. (Contacts) People who act as sources of information or data.
  15. (Contacts) People whom you know personally and who are not presently members of the site.
  16. (Contacts) The battery output terminals.
  17. (Contacts) The conducting members of a connecting device that are designed to provide a separable through connection in a cable-to-cable, cable-to-box or a box-to-box situation.
  18. (Contacts) The parts of the connector that actually carry the electrical current, and that touch the equivalent parts in the mating connector.
  19. (Contacts) This is the advisers of a CAR. The contacts are not paid as such directly but we can use them to provide clarity on the RCTI and reporting as to who is writing the business within the CAR
  20. (Contacts) This tab lists all contacts in the current copy of SmartSimple (subject to permissions that have been previously established). This tab can also be suppressed.
  21. (Contacts) among individual colonies were secondary to their ties with Great Britain, and rivalry was common; Victoria and New South Wales, for example, each used a different gauge for their railways.
  22. (Contacts) are the individual persons known personally by a broker among the names listed in the broker’s database (as in “I know 500 contacts in my database”).
  23. (Contacts) kannerobinson or gorsecloud on Neopets, Gorse on Levania and Children of StarClan, or via the site's guestbook
  24. (contacts) Metal line connections to transistors, to output pins, and to each other between interconnect layers.
  25. (contacts) The part of a relay that opens and closes to allow for the flow of electrical energy.