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consumers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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consumers, plural;
  1. A person who purchases goods and services for personal use
    • - consumer demand
  2. A person or thing that eats or uses something
    • - Scandinavians are the largest consumers of rye

  1. (consumer) a person who uses goods or services
  2. Consumers are organisms of an ecological food chain that receive their energy by consuming other organisms. These organisms are formally referred to as heterotrophs, which includes animals, bacteria and fungus.
  3. The Sheppard Line (officially Route 4 Sheppard Subway) is the newest subway line in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, operated by the Toronto Transit Commission. It currently has five stations and is 5.5 kilometres (3.4 miles) long. It opened on November 22, 2002.
  4. Consumer is a broad label for any individuals or households that use goods and services generated within the economy. The concept of a consumer occurs in different contexts, so that the usage and significance of the term may vary.
  5. Consumerization is a stable neologism that describes the trend for new information technology to emerge first in the consumer market and then spread into business organizations, resulting in the convergence of the IT and consumer electronics industries, and a shift in IT innovation from large ...
  6. (Consumer) An animal that eats food, such as anything produced by plants or other animals.
  7. (Consumer) Any individual who does or could receive health care or services. Includes other more specialized terms, such as beneficiary, client, customer, eligible member, recipient, or patient.
  8. (Consumer) Individual purchasing goods and/or services.
  9. (consumer) The ultimate user of a product or service.
  10. (Consumer) A noun that refers to a person who buys the company’s products (good and services)both in retail and wholesale (e.g.”Our consumers were unhappy with the price hike.”).
  11. (Consumer) A person who is receiving or has received behavioral health or mental retardation services from MH/MR or its providers.
  12. (Consumer) The role played by those persons, or client systems, who interact with OAIS services to find preserved information of interest and to access that information in detail.  This can include other OAISes, as well as internal OAIS persons or systems.
  13. (Consumer) A person who uses credit for personal, family or household purposes.
  14. A consumer is anyone who buys a product or uses a service. In telemarketing, a consumer is someone that can be contacted at their home after work or at the weekend
  15. (Consumer) A person who purchases a product or service. For example, when you buy a birthday present you are a consumer, when you buy shoes you are a consumer.
  16. (Consumer) Any person using mental health services.
  17. ("Consumer") means a person who enters into a contract other than in the course of a business.
  18. (Consumer) The adult or child with developmental disabilities who receives regional center services. The consumer is sometimes referred to as the “client” by service providers and others.
  19. (consumer) A site that uses a SAML assertion to authenticate a user.
  20. (Consumer) the natural person who is not acting within the capacity of a profession or a business and enters into a distance contract with the trader;
  21. (Consumer) A natural person acting outside his trade, business or profession.
  22. (Consumer) means an individual.
  23. The term consumer means a person initiating any telephone call using operator services.
  24. ("Consumer") The end user of electrical power according to a contract concluded between him/her and the generation, transmission and / or distribution entity at transmission voltages or distribution company voltages.
  25. ("Consumer") means a person entering into a contract in the capacity of a buyer, lessee, hire-purchaser, borrower, insured or other person value entering into a contract so as to acquire property, service or any other benefits for however, the said entering into such contract shall not be for ...