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consumerism 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The protection or promotion of the interests of consumers,
  1. The protection or promotion of the interests of consumers

  2. The preoccupation of society with the acquisition of consumer goods

  1. the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically beneficial
  2. a movement advocating greater protection of the interests of consumers
  3. Consumerism is a social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods or services in ever greater amounts. ...
  4. (The Consumerist) The Consumerist is a consumer affairs blog owned by Consumers Union and edited by a team led by co-executive editors Ben Popken and Meghann Marco. ...
  5. A policy of protecting and informing consumers through honesty in advertising and packaging, improved safety standards etc; A materialistic attachment to possessions; An economic theory that increased consumption is beneficial to a nation's economy in the long run
  6. (1) Advocating the rights of consumers, as against the efforts of advertisers, (2) The emphasis of advertising and marketing efforts toward creating consumers. These two definitions are almost opposite in meaning, but the former is commonly used today, while the latter was common prior to the 1970s.
  7. the trend towards consumer-centric health care, direct-to-consumer health care advertising, and increased consumer health care cost sharing.
  8. reliance on buying, rather than making, items necessary for living
  9. This is a term for a new movement in health care. Its goal is to have everyone more involved in their own care. This means you will have more information to make better decisions about your health care. ...
  10. In the neutral sense, this is simply the promotion of the consumer's interests. In the negative sense, which is the way it is used in Church documents and other critiques of our economy, it means a preoccupation with and an inclination toward the buying of consumer goods.
  11. A grassroots movement started in the 1960s to increase the influence, power, and rights of consumers in dealing with institutions.
  12. Equating personal happiness with the purchase and consumption of material possessions.
  13. A lifestyle in which the purchase of commodities is indicative of individual worth and social status. Acquisition is deemed a valuable end in itself. This may also imply that the acquisition of material goods may solve personal problems, help achieve goals, and foster an identity. ...
  14. The theory that when individuals are encouraged to shop around for deals and values, as they are with HDHPs, that they will do so to reduce their out-of-pocket financial exposure. More on consumerism.
  15. The name for the complex set of dominant values and practices produced by and arising from life in a consumer society: a historically unique form of society in which consumption plays an important, if not central role. ...
  16. A social movement intended to safeguard the rights of consumers.
  17. An organized movement of citizens and government to enhance the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers.