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constructions 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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constructions, plural;
  1. The building of something, typically a large structure
    • - there was a skyscraper under construction
  2. Such activity considered as an industry

  3. The style or method used in the building of something
    • - the mill is of brick construction
  4. A building or other structure

  5. The creation or formation of an abstract entity
    • - language plays a large part in our construction of reality
  6. An interpretation or explanation
    • - you could put an honest construction upon their conduct
  7. The arrangement of words according to syntactical rules
    • - sentence construction

  1. In the fields of architecture and civil engineering, construction is a process that consists of the building or assembling of infrastructure. Far from being a single activity, large scale construction is a feat of human multitasking. ...
  2. are explicit and effective methods for creating the object, i.e., the generator matrices for digital nets, orthogonal arrays, and linear codes, the point sets for nets, and the runs of an orthogonal array.