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constrictors 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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constrictors, plural;
  1. A snake that kills by coiling around its prey and asphyxiating it

  2. A muscle whose contraction narrows a vessel or passage

  3. Each of the muscles that constrict the pharynx

  1. (constrictive) constricting: (of circumstances) tending to constrict freedom
  2. (constrictor) any of various large nonvenomous snakes that kill their prey by crushing it in its coils
  3. (Constrictor (album)) Constrictor was the 1986 comeback album for rock musician Alice Cooper. After retiring from the music industry after the release of DaDa, Cooper remained in seclusion for three years. He starred in Monster Dog, a horror film for which he wrote two songs. ...
  4. (Constrictor (comics)) Constrictor (Frank Payne) is a fictional supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe. He is a mercenary who has occasionally acted as an anti-hero. He first appeared in Incredible Hulk #212 (1977).
  5. (constrictor (n)) A snake that kills its prey by wrapping itself around the animal and crushing it
  6. (Constrictor) A snakeAn animal with a long, scaly body and no arms, legs, or wings. Snakes have backbones and are cold-blooded. that kills its preyNoun: An animal that is hunted as food by another animal. Verb: To attempt to take an animal for food. ...
  7. (Constrictor) A software component which deliberately degrades the quality of a (usually video) signal. ...
  8. (Constrictor) Tube or orifice used to restrict flow of a gas or a liquid.
  9. (constrictor) Latin con = together, and strictum = drawn tight, hence, producing narrowing.