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constitutionality 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (constitutional) of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup; "constitutional walk"
  2. (constitutional) a regular walk taken as a form of exercise
  3. (Constitutionally) A constitution is a set of laws that a set of people have made and agreed upon for government—often codified as a written document—that enumerates and limits the powers and functions of a political entity. These rules together make up, i.e. constitute, what the entity is. ...
  4. (Constitutional) (also known as 'classical', 'totality', 'Hahnemannian', 'Kentian') means the remedy is prescribed for the perceived whole of the patient; includes symptoms and characteristics often with special attention to the emotional and psychological qualities. ...
  5. (Constitutional) ARM: only those political actions explicitly permitted by the Constitution; the essence of a republic; a limitation on State power and authority; a limitation on the majority; a demarcation line between the individual lives of citizens; an essential tool for preserving liberty. ...
  6. (Constitutional) That which is consistent with or dependent upon the fundamental law that defines and establishes government in society and basic principles to which society is to conform.
  7. (Constitutional) an abnormality or a mutation of a genotype that was present in the fertilized egg, and is therefore present in all cells of a person.
  8. (Constitutional) governed by a constitution, which is a document that identifies the organization, responsibilities, power, and authority of a group and its members. Such a group could be a nation, an organization, or even a club.
  9. (constitutional) A peaceful, legal way of campaigning, often using recognised 'political' methods such as petitions.
  10. The belief of the Tea Party that all laws must be specifically referenced in the US Constitution, and any law not originally included in the 18th-century document should be struck down. ...