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constants 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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constants, plural;
  1. A situation or state of affairs that does not change
    • - the condition of struggle remained a constant
  2. A quantity or parameter that does not change its value whatever the value of the variables, under a given set of conditions

  3. A number expressing a relation or property that remains the same in all circumstances, or for the same substance under the same conditions

  1. Constants is a post-rock / shoe gaze band from Boston, Massachusetts.
  2. contains a list of special nonnumeric values that you can assign to a specific property. For example, the border-width property can take the value caption.
  3. Constants are the terms in the algebraic expression that contain only numbers. That is, they're the terms without variables. We call them constants because their value never changes, since there are no variables in the term that can change its value. ...
  4. In addition to the 12 building blocks, you can use constants within formulas. Basically, constants perform the same function as building blocks, representing a time series in which each entry is a fixed number. A simple formula using a constant is C > 50, or "Is the close (C) greater than (>) 50?"
  5. are elements whose values do not change. For example, in Lingo, constants such as TAB, EMPTY, and RETURN always have the same values and cannot be modified. In JavaScript syntax, constants such as Math.PI and Number.MAX_VALUE always have the same values and cannot be modified. ...
  6. Constants are properties with a fixed value that cannot be altered, like MAXIMUM and MINIMUM.
  7. All the variables that are kept the same for all trials in an experiment.
  8. Numbers that have a fixed value such as 3 or -7. Placed on right side of equation; also called knowns.
  9. Constants have a fixed value that once set cannot be changed or re-defined. You can define the level of constants using access-modifiers.
  10. In math, things that do not change: for example distance, volume, mass, are called constants. The things that do change are called variables.
  11. Variables that are prevented from varying (i.e., are held constant).