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constabulary 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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constabularies, plural;
  1. Of or relating to a constabulary

  1. The constables of a district, collectively

  2. An armed police force organized as a military unit

  3. A police force covering a particular area or city

  1. police: the force of policemen and officers; "the law came looking for him"
  2. Constabulary may have several definitions.
  3. A police force; The police in a particular district or area; Of, or relating to constables; Characteristic to police; police-like (as opposed to military)
  4. regular military personnel assigned the duty of law enforcement or peacekeeping; compare PROVOST GUARD, see PM, MP, SNOWDROP, AP, SP, QC, BUTTON, CID, OSI, NIS, FBI. ...
  5. A group (or troop) of ten knights, the smallest unit of knightly cavalry.