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conspirator 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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conspirators, plural;
  1. A person who takes part in a conspiracy

  1. a member of a conspiracy
  2. (conspiratorial) relating to or characteristic of conspiracy or conspirators; "a conspiratorial whisper"; "the discovery of possible conspirative codes"
  3. The Foreigner universe is a fictional universe developed by science fiction and fantasy author C. J. Cherryh. The series centers around the descendants of a ship lost in transit from Earth en route to found a new space station. ...
  4. The Conspirator is the debut film of the American Film Company. It tells the story of Mary Surratt, the only female co-conspirator charged in the Abraham Lincoln assassination and the first woman to be hanged by the United States federal government. ...
  5. (Conspirators) Millions of Americans, particularly Tea Party activists, who are intent on defeating Pres. Obama’s agenda and unseating Democrats in government through vehement criticism. (See, ADL Blasts ‘Paranoid’ Right)