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conspicuously 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in a manner tending to attract attention; "there have been plenty of general declarations about willingness to meet and talk, but conspicuously no mention of time and place"
  2. prominently: in a prominent way; "the new car was prominently displayed in the driveway"
  3. (conspicuous) obvious to the eye or mind; "a tower conspicuous at a great distance"; "wore conspicuous neckties"; "made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening"
  4. (conspicuous) blatant: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious; "blatant disregard of the law"; "a blatant appeal to vanity"; "a blazing indiscretion"
  5. In a conspicuous manner; noticeably
  6. (conspicuous) Obvious or easy to notice; Noticeable or attracting attention, especially if unattractive
  7. (conspicuousness) Openness or exposure to the view; a state of being clearly visible; The property of being clearly discernible by the mind; obviousness. ; Eminence; celebrity; renown
  8. (Conspicuous) A term or clause is conspicuous when it is written so that a reasonable person against whom it is to operate ought to have noticed it.
  9. (Conspicuous) easily visible - enlarged or showy, prominent
  10. (conspicuous) Very audible. See "audibility."
  11. (conspicuous) something that can be easily seen
  12. (Conspicuousness) the mode of equipmental breakdown in which equipment malfunctions.