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consoles 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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consoles, 3rd person singular present; consoled, past tense; consoled, past participle; consoling, present participle;
  1. Comfort (someone) at a time of grief or disappointment
    • - she tried to console him but he pushed her gently away
    • - you can console yourself with the thought that you did your best
  1. A panel or unit accommodating a set of controls for electronic or mechanical equipment

  2. A cabinet for television or radio equipment

  3. The cabinet or enclosure containing the keyboards, stops, pedals, etc., of an organ

  4. A monitor and keyboard in a multiuser computer system

  5. An ornamented bracket with scrolls or corbel supporting a cornice, shelf, or tabletop

  6. A support between the seats of an automobile that has indentations for holding small items

  1. console table: a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall
  2. (console) comfort: give moral or emotional strength to
  3. (console) a scientific instrument consisting of displays and an input device that an operator can use to monitor and control a system (especially a computer system)
  4. (console) an ornamental scroll-shaped bracket (especially one used to support a wall fixture); "the bust of Napoleon stood on a console"
  5. (console) cabinet: housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television
  6. (Console (application)) Console is the custom log viewer in Mac OS X.
  7. (Console (musician)) Console is an electronic music project by Martin Gretschmann, the lead programmer for German band Notwist. Relying heavily on elements of electronic music, Console's music is reminiscent of some electro bands, such as Ladytron and Miss Kittin.
  8. (Console (video game command line interface)) A console is a command line interface where the personal computer game's settings and variables can be edited while the game is running. ...
  9. (console) A cabinet designed to stand on the floor; A cabinet that controls, instruments, and displays are mounted upon; The keyboard and screen of a computer; A storage tray or container mounted between the seats of an automobile; A device dedicated to playing video games, set apart from ...
  10. (Console) A no-user action popup window that appears when a visitor leaves a website. Also known as an ‘exit console’.
  11. (Console) Audio mixer consisting of inputs, outputs, toggles, meters, sliders and/or pots; board.
  12. (Console) Screen and keyboard which permits access and control of the server or mainframe computer in a networked environment.
  13. (Console) the part of a circulatory support system that drives the blood pumps, thus allowing the blood to flow through its normal cycle. The console is powered by electricity and has a back-up battery.
  14. (console) Screen or station at which an administrator operates a computer system. Also called a terminal, shell prompt.
  15. (Console) A table that is fixed to a wall and supported by one or more carved legs. Also any table meant to be placed against a wall.
  16. (Console) a Board used for controlling the audio mix and output from a live studio broadcast or other recorded sources.
  17. (Console) Bracket of curved outline.
  18. (Console) Table-like fixture with an integral lavatory, with the back fixed to a wall and the front supported by two or more legs. (See Lavatory, Fixture)
  19. (console) A terminal used to access a computer.
  20. (Console) The unit that contains everything the organist needs to control the sound such as the manuals, pedalboard, pistons, etc. All this stuff together is the console. For a picture, see the overview page.
  21. (Console) The part of a computer system used by the operator for communication  with the computer system.
  22. (Console) A side table that is commonly placed against a wall or behind a sofa.
  23. (console) A terminal that is attached to a storage system’s serial port and is used to monitor and manage storage system operation.
  24. (console) a specific device for playing video games, examples are Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation and Nintendo Wii
  25. (Console) The control panel, located on the platform, where the driller controls drilling operations.