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consists 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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consisted, past participle; consists, 3rd person singular present; consisting, present participle; consisted, past tense;
  1. Be composed or made up of
    • - the exhibition consists of 180 drawings
  2. Have as an essential feature
    • - his duties consist in taking the condition of the barometer
  3. Be consistent with
    • - the information perfectly consists with our friend's account
  1. The set of vehicles forming a complete train

  1. (consist) dwell: originate (in); "The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country"
  2. (consist) have its essential character; be comprised or contained in; be embodied in; "The payment consists in food"; "What does love consist in?"
  3. (consist) be composed of; "The land he conquered comprised several provinces"; "What does this dish consist of?"
  4. A consist , in North American railway terminology, is used as a noun to describe the group of rail vehicles which make up a train. A near-equivalent UK term is rake (e.g. a rake of wagons or a rake of coaches) but this excludes the locomotive.
  5. (consist) A lineup or sequence of railroad carriages or cars, with or without a locomotive, that form a unit; To be composed, formed, or made up (of)
  6. (Consist) The cars which make up a train; also a list of those cars. Locomotive consist is a group of engines put together to pull a train.
  7. (consist) v. (phr v) consist of sth be composed or made up of sth
  8. (Consist) The number of vehicles forming a train.
  9. (CONSIST) Contents or equipment of a train. Report form sent ahead so yardmaster can make plans for switching the train. The report is usually dropped off to an operator; this is dropping the consist
  10. (Consist) A document which shows the number of loads, empties, weight in tons and length in feet of a specific train. A consist shows the identifying number of each locomotive and location within that consist for a specific train.
  11. (Consist) Another word used for train within BART. The two terms are interchangeable.
  12. (Consist) The make-up of a freight train by types of cars and their contents.
  13. (consist) Pronounced KAHN-sist. This is basically everything that the engines are pulling. A switcher will work in a yard to put together a consist of freight cars, taking into account their destinations and the order in which they will be dropped off. ...