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consistory 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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consistories, plural;
  1. A church council or court, in particular

  2. (in the Roman Catholic Church) The council of cardinals, with or without the pope

  3. (in the Church of England) A court presided over by a bishop, for the administration of ecclesiastical law in a diocese

  4. (in other churches) A local administrative body

  1. a church tribunal or governing body
  2. Originally, the Latin word consistorium meant simply 'sitting together', just as the Greek syn(h)edrion (of which the Biblical sanhedrin was a corruption).
  3. In Jewish usage, a consistory is a body governing the Jewish congregations of a province or of a country; also the district administered by the consistory. ...
  4. Primarily, a place of standing or staying together; hence, any solemn assembly or council; The spiritual court of a diocesan bishop held before his chancellor or commissioner in his cathedral church or elsewhere; An assembly of prelates; a session of the college of cardinals at Rome; A church ...
  5. A meeting of cardinals in Rome. It can be an ordinary consistory, attended only by cardinals in Rome at the time of the meeting, or an extraordinary consistory, to which all cardinals around the world are summoned.
  6. The body of advisors to the regent, composed of key prisci and cardinals.
  7. Roman Catholic Church. An assembly of cardinals presided over by the pope for the solemn promulgation of papal acts, such as the canonization of a saint; the meeting of a consistory. ...