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consistently 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. systematically: in a systematic or consistent manner; "they systematically excluded women"
  2. (consistent) (sometimes followed by `with') in agreement or consistent or reliable; "testimony consistent with the known facts"; "I have decided that the course of conduct which I am following is consistent with my sense of responsibility as president in time of war"- FDR
  3. (consistent) reproducible: capable of being reproduced; "astonishingly reproducible results can be obtained"
  4. (consistent) coherent: marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts; "a coherent argument"
  5. (consistent) the same throughout in structure or composition; "bituminous coal is often treated as a consistent and homogeneous product"
  6. (Consistent) In logic, a consistent theory is one that does not contain a contradiction. The lack of contradiction can be defined in either semantic or syntactic terms. ...
  7. In a consistent manner; constantly; always
  8. (consistent) plural Objects or facts that are coexistent, or in agreement with one another; In the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church, a kind of penitent who was allowed to assist at prayers, but could not be admitted to receive the holy sacrament; of a regularly occurring, dependable nature ...
  9. (CONSISTENT) Sticking to one way of thinking or acting. : Reliable; steady,
  10. (Consistent) A theory is consistent if it contains no wff such that both the wff and its negation are provable.
  11. (Consistent) As I use it, refers to a wine's aroma, taste and aftertaste all being appropriate to each other.
  12. (Consistent) Consistency requires that after the execution of the unit of work, the system is in a stable state. If there is any inconsistency, then the work done must be reversed to restore the original state. For example, the referential integrity of the data must be maintained upon completion.
  13. (Consistent) In an ACID transaction, either statement-level or transaction-level consistency. See ACID transaction, consistency, statement-level consistency, and transaction-level consistency.
  14. (Consistent) Refers to assessment. Assessment is consistent where, given similar circumstances the assessor would make the same judgement again and the judgement will be similar to judgements that other assessors would make.
  15. (Consistent) Time for a little joke. What do you call a web site that never changes? Give up? A cobweb. Have you ever seen one of those before? Change in life is the thing that helps us grow, keeps us vibrant and forces us to reach new heights. This is no different on the Internet. ...
  16. (Consistent) When the waves are good, rideable and frequent.
  17. (Consistent) the same accounting methods should be applied from period to period and all changes in methods should be well explained and justified (allows financial statements of the same company to be compared between different periods).
  18. (consistent) A hypothesis test is consistent for a specified alternative hypothesis if the power of the test for the alternative hypothesis approaches 1 as the sample size becomes infinitely large.
  19. (consistent) The term used when the information provided on a food label is in line with the new Code labelling requirements for that label element, label element section or label element sub-section.
  20. (consistent) of a logical formula, true under some interpretation.
  21. (consistent) the same basic business issues are addressed by every project
  22. without contradictions.