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considerations 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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considerations, plural;
  1. Careful thought, typically over a period of time
    • - a long process involving a great deal of careful consideration
  2. A fact or a motive taken into account in deciding or judging something
    • - the idea was motivated by political considerations
  3. Thoughtfulness and sensitivity toward others
    • - companies should show more consideration for their employees
  4. A payment or reward
    • - you can buy the books for a small consideration
  5. (in a contractual agreement) Anything given or promised or forborne by one party in exchange for the promise or undertaking of another

  6. Importance; consequence

  1. About 1 in every 5 adults in the U.S. has high blood pressure. High blood pressure occurs more often in men than in women, and in African Americans almost twice as often as in Caucasians.
  2. Particular conditions in a horary chart, especially those warning that the chart is not radical, meaning that the astrologer might be prone to error, or that the astrologer may be likely to give the client bad news should a prediction be undertaken. ...
  3. The manmade infrastructure, civilian institutions, and attitudes and activities of the civilian leaders, populations, and organizations within an area of operations influence the conduct of military operations. (FM 6-0)
  4. In order to apply for a home equity line of credit, the lender will need the current appraised value of the home minus the balance owed on the mortgage. ...
  5. Several guiding principles must be considered when modifying a classroom (Maker & Nielson, 1996). A differentiated classroom must: