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conservancy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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conservancies, plural;
  1. A body concerned with the preservation of nature, specific species, or natural resources
    • - the Nature Conservancy
  2. A commission or group of officials controlling a port, river, or drainage basin

  3. The conservation of something, esp. wildlife and the environment

  1. a commission with jurisdiction over fisheries and navigation in a port or river
  2. The conservation of a resource; An organization dedicated to the conservation of natural resources; A commission that deals with fishery and navigation
  3. An organisation that’s sole mission is to preserve the wildlife, environment and natural resources.
  4. the name we use for our offices in Scotland which provide advice and grants to private landowners, and which administer felling licences.
  5. In some countries, this fee is levied to retain upkeep of the approaches to waterways and canals.