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consented 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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consenting, present participle; consented, past tense; consents, 3rd person singular present; consented, past participle;
  1. Give permission for something to happen
    • - he consented to a search by a detective
  2. Agree to do something
    • - he had consented to serve on the panel

  1. (consent) permission to do something; "he indicated his consent"
  2. (consent) accept: give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution"
  3. (consenting) having given consent; "consenting adults"
  4. Consent refers to the provision of approval or assent, particularly and especially after thoughtful consideration.
  5. (Consent (BDSM)) Consent within BDSM is an issue that attracts much attention in the field. Practitioners' interests are in ensuring appropriate consent for personal, ethical, and legal reasons. ...
  6. (Consent (criminal)) In criminal law, consent may be used as an excuse and prevent the defendant from incurring liability for what was done. For a more general discussion, see Dennis J. ...
  7. (Consent (film)) Consent is a 2010 drama film written and directed by Ron Brown about a family who turns to smoking and drugs to deal with their oldest daughter's suicide. The film stars Troian Bellisario and Peter Vack.
  8. (Consent (roleplaying)) An online text-based role playing game is a role-playing game played online using a solely text-based interface. Online text-based role playing games date to 1978, with the creation of MUD1, which began the MUD heritage that culminates in today's MMORPGs. ...
  9. (Consentement) Innamoramento is the fifth studio album by Mylène Farmer, released on April 7, 1999.
  10. (Consent) Legal process through which a birth parent voluntarily agrees to make an adoption plan for their child with a specific family through an Independent Adoption. ...
  11. (Consent) Parental permission, usually given by signing a letter or form, agreeing to let the schools take an action which affects a child’s education. Consent is required before a child can be evaluated or receive special education services under IDEA.
  12. (Consent (for treatment)) An agreement you sign that gives your permission to receive medical services or treatment from doctors or hospitals.
  13. (Consent) Requirement that the parent be fully informed of all information that relates to any action that school wants to take about the child, that parent understands that consent is voluntary and may be revoked at any time. ...
  14. (Consent) The law defines the word consent as words or overt actions by a person who is competent to give consent indicating a freely given agreement to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact.
  15. (Consent) A document signed and dated by the individual that a covered entity obtains prior to using or disclosing protected health information to carry out treatment, payment or health care operations. A consent is not required under the privacy rule.
  16. (Consent) By using our sites, you consent to the collection, use, and storage of your personal and non-personal information as described in this policy. ...
  17. (Consent) means express or implied consent.
  18. Most basically, consent means agreeing to an action of one's own free will. Consent is active, based on choice, and is only possible when there is equal power.
  19. (consent) Voluntary agreement for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information for defined purposes. Consent can be either express or implied and can be provided directly by the individual or by an authorized representative. ...
  20. (Consent) A voluntary choice based on appropriate information. Informed consent to medical treatment is a special case of the general laws governing consent. The legal effect of consent is the assumption of the risks of the acts consented to.
  21. (Consent) In a HR context, consent means permission given towards certain ends, e.g. an employee formally gives access to personal information or performance records.
  22. (Consent) Agreement to receive treatment following the act of informing the patient about the nature and character of proposed treatment, anticipated results of treatment and alternative forms of treatment.
  23. (Consent) Permission that is given by an individual for a course of action to be taken.
  24. (CONSENT) An agreement of the parties resolving pending matters before the court.