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consanguineous 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Relating to or denoting people descended from the same ancestor,
  1. Relating to or denoting people descended from the same ancestor
    • - consanguineous marriages

  1. akin(p): related by blood
  2. Consanguinity (" (with/together) (blood) (noun marker)") refers to the property of being from the same kinship as another person. In that respect, consanguinity is the quality of being descended from the same ancestor as another person. ...
  3. Related by birth; descended from the same parent or ancestor
  4. Marriage or mating among related individuals.
  5. related by blood. For example, a consanguineous marriage is a marriage between blood relatives (the most common form being the marriage between cousins).
  6. Literally, "of the same blood", especially with reference to lineage. Usage: That vampire is consanguineous of Hardestadt the Elder, his childe.