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cons 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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conned, past participle; conned, past tense; cons, 3rd person singular present; conning, present participle;
  1. Direct the steering of (a ship)
    • - he hadn't conned anything bigger than a Boston whaler
  1. A convention, esp. one for science-fiction enthusiasts

  1. CONS, Connection-Oriented Network Service, is one of the two OSI network layer protocols, the other being CLNS (Connectionless Network Service). It is basically X.25, with a few adjustments.
  2. In computer programming, cons (or) is a fundamental function in most dialects of the Lisp programming language. cons constructs (hence the name) memory objects which hold two values or pointers to values. ...
  3. Can't change font size. Can't delete search history.
  4. n.v. 1. n. a compound data object having two components called the car and the cdr. 2. v. to create such an object. 3. v. Idiom. to create any object, or to allocate storage.
  5. The U.S. Department of State's Consular Affairs Bureau, which is responsible for adjudicating visa and passport applications.
  6. A name for some Converse sneaker models. Possibly, but not necessarily, felony shoes. Makes Converse a four-letter word, particularly at Nike and Puma. Saves on typesetting costs at Converse headquarters in Massachusetts.
  7. In single chip designs, some people observe a "rainbow effect".
  8. The sequence is a decimal expansion of an important mathematical constant, like e or π.
  9. poor cushioning, poor fit, extremely poor stability
  10. and you knew there would be some did’t you? LED landscape lighting fixtures are quite a bit more expensive than normal landscape outdoor lighting fixtures. So this increases the upfront cost. Also there is limit to the lumen levels for LED landscape lighting. ...
  11. Arrogance. Once they get your money - you're screwed.
  12. usability is somewhat disappointing.
  13. Readings are given in romaji only.
  14. can't add some words to the word list
  15. The player wins his bet only if none of the numbers drawn that have been selected in the carton.