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connivance 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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connivances, plural;
  1. Willingness to secretly allow or be involved in wrongdoing, esp. an immoral or illegal act
    • - this infringement of the law had taken place with the connivance of officials

  1. agreement on a secret plot
  2. (law) tacit approval of someone's wrongdoing
  3. A legal finding of connivance may be made when an accuser has assisted in the act about which they are complaining. In some legal jurisdictions, and for certain behaviors, it may prevent the accuser from prevailing.
  4. The process of conniving
  5. Intentionally causing or permitting a wrongful act to obtain a goal. In family law, consipiring towards the adultery of the other spouse for the purpose of claiming adultery as a ground of divorce. A divorce will not be granted where connivance as to the ground of divorce relied on is found. ...
  6. The furtive consent of one person to cooperate with another in the commission of an unlawful act or crime—such as an employer's agreement not to withhold taxes from the salary of an employee who wants to evade federal INCOME TAX. ...