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conner 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. Join With Us is the second full-length studio album from guitar-based pop band The Feeling . It was released on 18 February 2008, preceded by the first single from the album, "I Thought It Was Over".
  2. Conner is a surname shared by several notable people: * Alexander H. Conner, American politician * Bruce Conner (1933-2008), American artist * Chris Conner (born 1983), Professional ice hockey winger for the NHL's Pittsburgh Penguins * David Conner (1792–1856), United States Navy Commodore * ...
  3. Great point on the value of business acumen. The only thing I would add to that is common sense.
  4. alternate term for a Conder, a ship’s navigator.