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conjugations 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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conjugations, plural;
  1. The formation or existence of a link or connection between things, in particular

  2. The temporary union of two bacteria or unicellular organisms for the exchange of genetic material

  3. The fusion of two gametes, esp. when they are of a similar size

  4. The combination of two substances
    • - toxic compounds eliminated from the body by conjugation with glutathione
  5. The sharing of electron density between nearby multiple bonds in a molecule

  6. The solution of a problem by transforming it into an equivalent problem of a different form, solving this, and then reversing the transformation

  7. The variation of the form of a verb in an inflected language such as Latin, by which are identified the voice, mood, tense, number, and person

  8. The class in which a verb is put according to the manner of this variation
    • - a past participle of the first conjugation

  1. The joining of a chemical substance with another to form a new product.