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conjugal 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or relating to marriage or the relationship between husband and wife,
  1. Of or relating to marriage or the relationship between husband and wife
    • - conjugal loyalty

  1. of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband; "connubial bliss"; "conjugal visits"
  2. (conjugally) in a conjugal manner
  3. (Conjugality) While this is mostly defined as “related to marriage,” I would like to broaden this definition to mean “sex and everything else” relationships. So, conjugality describes a relationship that at least at some point involved sex.
  4. relates to marriage and is based on the Latin word conjugare "to join together in marriage," which in turn came from jugare "to yoke" - and sometimes being married feels like being yoked! ...
  5. Of marriage. Traditionally the notion of 'conjugal rights' referred to the right of sexual intercourse with a spouse.
  6. Relating to a couple.