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conical 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Having the shape of a cone,
  1. Having the shape of a cone

  1. conic: relating to or resembling a cone; "conical mountains"; "conelike fruit"
  2. Of or relating to a cone or cones; Shaped like a cone
  3. (conicalness) The state or quality of being conical
  4. cone-shaped, with the broad end at the base.
  5. A three dimensional shape, which is triangular in median longitudinal section and circular in any transverse section. Like an inverted carrot.
  6. Cone-shaped; narrowed to a point from a circular base.
  7. Something in the shape of a cone. It is usually tapered.
  8. A vessel shape that has a pointed base and no neck.
  9. a tree with a shape somewhat like a cone with longer branches at the bottom and progressively small branches higher up the tree.
  10. Cone-shaped, as the young form of many spruces.
  11. 'Conical' is a description of a 3D shape which tapers from a flat circular base at one end to a point at the other.
  12. Cone-shaped growth habit.