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congenital 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(esp. of a disease or physical abnormality) Present from birth,
  1. (esp. of a disease or physical abnormality) Present from birth
    • - a congenital malformation of the heart
  2. (of a person) Having a particular trait from birth or by firmly established habit
    • - a congenital liar

  1. present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development
  2. Congenital disorder or anomaly involves defects in or damage to a developing fetus. It may be the result of genetic abnormalities, the intrauterine (uterus) environment, errors of morphogenesis, infection, or a chromosomal abnormality. ...
  3. Present since birth
  4. Conditions existing at birth, but not through heredity.
  5. The word congenital means that something existed or was present at birth.
  6. Present at birth; may have genetic or environmental causes.
  7. a condition that is hereditary. Excess hair often runs in the family.
  8. A condition that is present at birth.
  9. Present at and existing from the time of birth.
  10. Any condition which exists at or before birth.
  11. A characteristic or defect present at birth. It is acquired during pregnancy but is not necessarily hereditary.
  12. existing before or at birth.
  13. Malformations, deformities, diseases etc. are those which are either present at birth, or which, being transmitted direct from the parents, show themselves soon after birth.
  14. inherited genetically, therefore present, or potentially present, from birth.
  15. Existing at birth but acquired in the uterus rather than inherited.
  16. A disease or anomaly with which a person or animal is born, one that is not necessarily genetic in nature.
  17. Term used to describe something present at birth, especially an abnormality.
  18. means existing "at birth" , more commonly “born with something” (see CAH Brochure #1 section).
  19. Present at birth, not necessarily inherited. Connective tissue: A general term for all tissues of the body which support and connect various organs and other structures such as the skeleton. ...
  20. (French : congénital) Presence at birth of a trait or defect.
  21. any abnormality, whether genetic or not, that is present from birth.
  22. Describes a condition which develops during formation, before birth, and so already exists when a baby is born.
  23. Describes a disease or condition with which someone is born.
  24. Acquired during prenatal life. Condition exists at or dates from birth. Often used in the context of congenital (birth) defects.
  25. means a baby is born with a condition, but that condition isn’t necessarily inherited (that is, from the parents’ genes inside the cells).  An infant can be born with clubfeet, but usually clubfeet form because there’s not enough room inside the uterus when the baby is developing.