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congealing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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congeals, 3rd person singular present; congealed, past participle; congealing, present participle; congealed, past tense;
  1. Solidify or coagulate, esp. by cooling
    • - the blood had congealed into blobs
    • - congealed egg white
  2. Take shape or coalesce, esp. to form a satisfying whole
    • - the ballet failed to congeal as a single oeuvre

  1. (congeal) jell: become gelatinous; "the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme"
  2. congealed into jelly; solidified by cooling; "in Georgia they serve congealed salads"
  3. (congealment) the process of congealing; solidification by (or as if by) freezing
  4. Congelation is the process by which something congeals, or thickens. This increase in viscosity can be achieved through a reduction in temperature or through chemical reactions. Sometimes the increase in viscosity is great enough to crystallize or solidify the substance in question.
  5. (congeal) To change from a liquid to solid state perhaps by cold; To coagulate, make curdled or semi-solid as gel or jelly; To make rigid or immobile; To become congealed, solidify
  6. (congealed) Frozen; Viscid, coagulated; jelly-like, unusually thick (of a liquid)
  7. (Congeal) Creature is frozen for four rounds
  8. (Congeal) To turn liquid into solid by chilling.
  9. (congeal) To solidify by, or as if by, freezing. To coagulate, jell.