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confusions 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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confusions, plural;
  1. Lack of understanding; uncertainty
    • - there seems to be some confusion about which system does what
    • - he cleared up the confusion over the party's policy
  2. A situation of panic; a breakdown of order
    • - the shaken survivors retreated in confusion
  3. A disorderly jumble
    • - all I can see is a confusion of brown cardboard boxes
  4. The state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something
    • - she looked about her in confusion
  5. The mistaking of one person or thing for another
    • - there is some confusion between “unlawful” and “illegal”
    • - most of the errors are reasonable confusions between similar words or sequences of words

  1. Confusions is a play by Alan Ayckbourn consisting of a series of five interconnected one-act plays. It was first staged in 1976 and played by just five actors. ...
  2. The Confusions is an indie pop band from Sundsvall, Sweden. The band was formed in the early 1990s. The breakthrough album, "Everyone's Invited", along with "Six-0-Seven, were produced by Peter Svensson of The Cardigans. ...
  3. Early notes for Confusions feature a different structure and choice of short plays to what was actually written.
  4. Hands placed over the face.