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confraternity 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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confraternities, plural;
  1. A brotherhood, esp. with a charitable or religious purpose

  1. A confraternity is normally a Roman Catholic or Orthodox organization of lay people created for the purpose of promoting special works of Christian charity or piety, and approved by the Church hierarchy. ...
  2. A sodality, also known as a Union of Prayer or confraternity, is an older designation for lay ecclesial movements or organizations in the Roman Catholic Church.
  3. (Confraternities) Devotional organizations formed by lay members as a response to the crises encountered in the late Middle Ages. The hardships caused by persistent warfare, plagues and famines were thought to be divine retribution for the sinfulness of mankind. ...
  4. (1) An agreement between a religious house and a layperson that designates the latter a confrater. (2) An agreement between two monasteries to provide mutual spiritual support. ...
  5. union of prayer and privileges between individuals and monasteries or between monasteries (also called societas)