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conflux 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. confluence: a flowing together
  2. Conflux (codenamed Paper) is a '' expansion set, released on February 6, 2009. It is the 48th limited-edition expansion set for Magic'' and includes 145 cards.
  3. Conflux is the debut studio album from the Serbian metal band Draconic. The album was recorded in 2002, and released in 2004 through Rock Express Records. Although officially the debut Draconic album, Conflux is basically a project by keyboardist Branislav "Antares" Stanković. ...
  4. The Conflux Science Fiction Convention is an annual science fiction convention held in Canberra, Australia since 2004.
  5. A merger of rivers, or the place where rivers merge; A convergence or moving gathering of forces, people, or things