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confluence 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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confluences, plural;
  1. The junction of two rivers, esp. rivers of approximately equal width
    • - here at the confluence of the Laramie and North Platte Rivers
  2. An act or process of merging
    • - a major confluence of the world's financial markets

  1. a place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers); "Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers"
  2. a flowing together
  3. (confluent) feeder: a branch that flows into the main stream
  4. Confluence, in geography, describes the meeting of two or more bodies of water. The opposite of a watershed, it usually refers to the point where a tributary joins a more major river, called the mainstem, when that major river is also the highest order stream in the drainage basin. ...
  5. In computer science, confluence is a property of rewriting systems, describing that terms in this system can be rewritten in more than one way, to yield the same result. This article describes the properties in the most abstract setting of an abstract rewriting system.
  6. Confluence is an annual science fiction convention that has been occurring in Pittsburgh for several years. Confluence 2009 will be held in the Doubletree Hotel from July 24-26, 2009 .
  7. Confluence is the name of IIM Ahmedabad's annual International Business School Summit.
  8. Deformation is the rate of change of shape of fluid bodies. Meteorologically, this quantity is very important in the formation of atmospheric fronts, in the explanation of cloud shapes, and in the diffusion of materials and properties.Djurić, D: "Weather Analysis". Prentice Hall, 1994. ...
  9. Confluence is a web-based corporate wiki written in Java and mainly used in corporate environments. It is developed and marketed by Atlassian. Confluence is sold as either on-premises software or as a hosted solution. ...
  10. The place where two rivers, streams, or other continuously flowing bodies of water meet and become one, especially where a tributary joins a river; The act of combining which occurs at the place where rivers and the like meet; A convergence or combination of forces, people, or things
  11. (confluent) (Of wind) which converges, especially when viewed on a weather chart; Describing cells in a culture that merge to form a mass; (Of a triangle) which is exactly the same size as another triangle
  12. (Confluent) Blended or running together.
  13. (Confluent) appearance when two structures merge without a seam.
  14. (Confluent) eruptions merge together
  15. (confluent) blending together, of an anther when the slits formed in dehiscence join in a single crescent-shaped opening [image] [image], of a leaf when the intramarginal vein blends into the edge of the leaf blade
  16. A pattern of wind flow in which air flows inward toward an axis oriented parallel to the general direction of flow. It is the opposite of difluence. Confluence is not the same as convergence. ...
  17. The junction of two or more river reaches or branches.
  18. The converging of flow along an axis aligned perpindicular to the flow. Imagine wind fast wind vectors catching up with slower vectors ahead, like a line of fast moving traffic rear-ending a line of slower traffic ahead. Confluence aloft can lead to downward vertical motion.
  19. The place at which two streams flow together to form one larger stream.
  20. an enterprise wiki product used at Imperial College.  It offers most of the expected functionality of a wiki except for moderation.
  21. 1) The act of flowing together; the meeting or junction of two or more streams; also, the place where these streams meet. 2) The stream or body of water formed by the junction of two or more streams. (StreamNet 2004).
  22. The location at which two bodies of water intersect and begin to flow as one body of water stream.
  23. When cultured cells have created a monolayer covering the entire electrode and bottom of the well.
  24. where the Missouri River and the Yellowstone River meet. A historical center, boat ramp, camp site, and bike path are located here.
  25. The point at which two rivers meet.  With regards to a river network it is a To-node shared by two polylines.  Note due the nature of river networks, it is possible for more than two rivers to join at a single node.