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conflicted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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conflicted, past participle; conflicted, past tense; conflicts, 3rd person singular present; conflicting, present participle;
  1. Be incompatible or at variance; clash
    • - parents' and children's interests sometimes conflict
    • - those tournament dates would have conflicted with Memorial Day
  2. Having or showing confused and mutually inconsistent feelings
    • - my feelings are so conflicted that I hardly know how to answer

  1. (conflicting) at odds(p): in disagreement; "the figures are at odds with our findings"; "contradictory attributes of unjust justice and loving vindictiveness"- John Morley
  2. (conflicting) on bad terms; "they were usually at odds over politics"; "conflicting opinions"
  3. (conflicting) Striking, or dashing together; fighting; contending; struggling to resist and overcome; Being in opposition; contrary; contradictory