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confidently 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. with confidence; in a confident manner; "we have to do what is right confidently"
  2. (confident) convinced(p): persuaded of; very sure; "were convinced that it would be to their advantage to join"; "I am positive he is lying"; "was confident he would win"
  3. (confident) not liable to error in judgment or action; "most surefooted of the statesmen who dealt with the depression"- Walter Lippman; "demonstrates a surefooted storytelling talent"- Michiko Kakutani
  4. (Confident) Most backpackers are used to striking up a conversation with many different types of people and revel in different situations.
  5. (Confident) in themselves and their abilities
  6. (Confident) person is habitually more relaxed, resulting in frequent gain both asymmetrical posture when sitting and standing. This happens primarily in situations that do not enforce and standardize the behavior (see also: conformity).