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confederated 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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confederated, past tense; confederated, past participle; confederates, 3rd person singular present; confederating, present participle;
  1. Bring (states or groups of people) into an alliance
    • - Switzerland is a model for the new confederated Europe

  1. (confederation) alliance: the state of being allied or confederated
  2. A confederation is an association of sovereign member states, that by treaty have delegated certain of their competences (or powers) to common institutions, in order to coordinate their policies in a number of areas, without constituting a new state on top of the member states. ...
  3. (ConFederation) The 44th World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon), also known as ConFederation, was held 28 August – 1 September 1986 at the Marriott Marquis and Atlanta Hilton in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
  4. (Confederation (Canada)) Canadian Confederation (Confédération canadienne) was the process by which the federal Dominion of Canada was formed, officially beginning on July 1, 1867. On that date, three British colonies were formed into four Canadian provinces. ...
  5. (Confederation (Escape Velocity)) Escape Velocity is a single-player role-playing space trading and combat game series first introduced in 1996 by Ambrosia Software for the Apple Macintosh. ...
  6. (Confederation (Poland)) A konfederacja (Polish for "confederation") was an ad hoc association formed by Polish-Lithuanian nobility, clergy, cities or military forces in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for the attainment of stated aims. ...
  7. (Confederation (Star Wars)) Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise conceived by George Lucas. ...
  8. (Confederation) a group of independent nations or states joined together. The Confederation was the word that referred to the United States before the Constitution was adopted.
  9. (confederation) A type of government in which a group of independent states (regions, provinces) create a central (national) government and grant limited power to that central government, while retaining their sovereignty and the right to abolish the central government.
  10. (CONFEDERATION) A group of people or organizations brought together for a common purpose.
  11. (Confederation) A political system based on the voluntary association of independent states that, to secure some common purpose, agree to certain limitations on their freedom of action and establish some joint machinery of consultation. ...
  12. (Confederation) A union of states in which each member state retains some independent control over internal and external affairs. Thus, for international purposes, there are separate states, not just one state. ...
  13. (Confederation) CONCACAF (North America)
  14. (Confederation) Organization responsible for football in their region (see acronyms)
  15. (Confederation) association of sovereign states (or States) by a treaty or agreement.   It deals with issues such as defense, foreign affairs, trade, and a common currency.
  16. (Confederation) class dreadnoughts often filled the role of flagship, a notable instance being the TCS Concordia, by far the most famous example of this class. The Concordia served as the flagship of Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn and served with great distinction during the Enigma Sector Campaign. ...
  17. A confederation is an object inside a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System (AS) that is a subset of routing instances in the AS. ...