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confectionery 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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confectioneries, plural;
  1. Candy and other sweets considered collectively

  2. A shop that sells such items

  1. candy and other sweets considered collectively; "the business decided to concentrate on confectionery and soft drinks"
  2. a confectioner's shop
  3. Confectionery is the set of food items that are rich in sugar, any one or type of which is called a confection. Modern usage may include substances rich in artificial sweeteners as well. The word candy (U.S. ...
  4. From the latin word "confect" which means that which is produced with skill. Confectionary has been in production since the Babylonians. A Confiseur is the European name for those who work with confectionary.
  5. A class of products including candy and other sugar-based sweets.
  6. Dairy products · Fruit · Herbs / Spices · Meat · Vegetable