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confab 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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confabs, plural;
  1. Engage in informal private conversation
    • - Peter was confabbing with a curly-haired guy
  1. An informal private conversation or discussion
    • - they wandered off to the woods for a private confab
  2. A meeting or conference of members of a particular group
    • - this year's annual American Booksellers Association confab

  1. chat: an informal conversation
  2. chew the fat: talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"
  3. confer: have a conference in order to talk something over; "We conferred about a plan of action"
  4. In psychology, confabulation is the spontaneous narrative report of events that never happened. It consists of the creation of false memories, perceptions, or beliefs about the self or the environment usually as a result of neurological or psychological dysfunction. ...
  5. A casual talk or chat; To speak casually with; to chat
  6. convention or professional gathering; "TV programming execs gather annually at the NATPE confab."
  7. contraction of CONFABulation, being an informal and private conversation; to talk, converse, palaver, discuss, consult, confer, discourse, council, parley. See CALL ON THE CARPET, VERBUM SAP, OFFICER'S CALL, BRIEFING, DEBRIEF, EAR-BANG, CROSS-TALK, CHATTER, HALF-MAST, CHIN CHIN, POWWOW, SUMMIT. ...