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coned 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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  1. Conical

  2. Having cones
    • - the big-coned southern California pine

  1. Consolidated Edison, Inc. is one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the United States, with approximately $14 billion in annual revenues and $33 billion in assets. ...
  2. (Coning) An unstable flight condition in which a rocket’s spin causes the rear portion of the rocket to describe a circle. Coning greatly increases aerodynamic drag and reduces peak altitude.
  3. (Coning) Adjusting volume inversely with pitch to balance a chord.
  4. (Coning) Modification of the inside wheel hub to reduce hub-to-body friction.
  5. (Coning) Neutral thermal conditions with a normal adiabatic lapse rate. It is typical on a cloud-covered day or night where affects of solar radiation and nighttime cooling are reduced. This creates excellent air-scenting conditions.
  6. (Coning) The blades tend to bend upward in flight, when they are lifting the weight of the aircraft. Referred to as the coning angle.
  7. (Coning) The preferential migration of an undesirable phase (generally gas and/or water) into a production well.
  8. (Coning) This effect is the bending of the rotor or propeller blades when stressed.
  9. (Coning) With regards to wildfires, pattern of plume dispersion in a neutral atmosphere, in which the plume attains the form of a cone with its vertex at the top of the stack.
  10. (coning) In a producing water well. There are two forms of cone that can occur in the near environment of producing water wells. One is a naturally occurring cone of depression (see 1 below) that is produced by the replacement of produced water by air normally from the aerated zone. ...
  11. (coning) localisation (au moyen d'un cône)
  12. When a master searchlight, often radar controlled, frequently described as having a bluish beam, picked up an aircraft, other searchlights in the area would swing onto the aircraft, thus coning it - then flak would be poured into the cone
  13. a conical orange thing that should be standing upright, but instead is lying flat on the ground, melting to your exhaust, or jammed in your wheel well. 2 second penalty. You’re probably swearing and cursing. Auto-x vocab.