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condyle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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condyles, plural;
  1. A rounded protuberance at the end of some bones, forming an articulation with another bone

  1. a round bump on a bone where it forms a joint with another bone
  2. (condylar) of or relating to or resembling a condyle
  3. A Condyle (Latin: condylus, from Greek: kondylos; knuckle) is the knuckle of any joint, a round projection, rounded articular area (ex. ...
  4. (Condyles) the large bony knobs which occur at either end of a long bone forming the articular process.
  5. An articular prominence of a bone.
  6. Knuckle-shaped projection on a bone, either knoblike or convex.
  7. Smooth rounded projection of bone which forms a bearing or articulating surface in a moveable joint.
  8. A rounded enlargement or process possessing an artculating surface.
  9. Kondylos is the Greek word for a knuckle or knob. In time it came to be used for the knuckle-like articular surface at the end  of a bone.
  10. A heavily sclerotized projection of the mandible's dorsal surface that articulates with the cephalon in the clypeal fossa.
  11. Rounded projection at the end of a bone that articulates with another bone
  12. Knob-like internal structure (usually one dorsal, one ventral on each valve) at the valve margins in Pholadidae and Teredinidae, which in pairs form pivoting points upon which the valves articulate during the boring process (figure: Martesia striata).
  13. The rounded surface of a bone that allows movement of a joint.
  14. rounded elevation                                 capitulum ‑ small rounded articular end
  15. The knuckle or condyloid process of the mandible.
  16. the joint portion of the lower jaw.