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conductances 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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conductances, plural;
  1. The degree to which an object conducts electricity, calculated as the ratio of the current that flows to the potential difference present. This is the reciprocal of the resistance, and is measured in siemens or mhos(. Symbol: G)

  1. (conductance) a material's capacity to conduct electricity; measured as the reciprocal of electrical resistance
  2. (Conductance (probability)) In graph theory the conductance of a graph G=(V,E) measures how "well-knit" the graph is: it controls how fast a random walk on G converges to a uniform distribution. ...
  3. (Conductance) the rate of heat flow (in BTUs per hour) through an object when a 1°F. temperature difference is maintained between the sides of the object.
  4. (Conductance) In water conditioning, the readiness of water to carry electricity. The unit of measure for conductance is the mho (reciprocal ohm); it is used to approximate the dissolved solids content of water.
  5. (conductance) A measurement of how well electricity can flow through an object.
  6. (Conductance) The inverse of resistance. Measured in siemens (obsolete name mhos), which are the inverse of ohms. 1 S = 1/Ω = 1 A/V = 1 A^2/W
  7. (CONDUCTANCE) The ability of a substance to allow a liquid like movement of free electrons.
  8. (CONDUCTANCE) The measure of how easily electricity flows along a certain path. The SI unit of measure is the siemens, named after the German inventor Werner von Siemens who is credited with making the first moving coil loudspeaker.
  9. (Conductance) A term used to indicate the speed with which atoms and molecules can flow through a particular region such as an orifice or pipe.
  10. (Conductance) Refers to the rate of ion travel thru the channel and is often measured in siemens (S). ...
  11. (Conductance) The product of conductivity and thickness [Siemens].
  12. (Conductance) The quantity of heat, in British thermal units, that will flow through one square foot of material in one hour, when there is a 1 degree F temperature difference between both surfaces. Conductance values are given for a specific thickness of material, not per inch thickness.
  13. (Conductance) is the ability of a battery to conduct current. It is a measurement of the plate surface available in a battery for chemical reaction, which determines how much power the battery can supply. ...
  14. (Conductance) the ease with which a liquid can flow through the screen, with larger values representing higher volume handling
  15. Conductance refers to the flow of ions (charges molecules and elements and measured in 'Siemens') such as sodium, potassium, and chloride and is the proportionality factor relating current to a voltage difference. ...