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conditionality 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the state of being conditional
  2. Conditionality is a concept in international development, political economy and international relations and describes the use of conditions attached to a loan, debt relief, bilateral aid or membership of international organizations, typically by the international financial institutions, regional ...
  3. The doctrine of pratītyasamutpāda (प्रतीत्यसमुत्पाद; paticcasamuppāda; rten.cing.'', often translated as "dependent arising", is a cardinal doctrine in Buddhism, that refers to the causal relations between the psychophysical phenomena that sustain dukkha (dissatisfaction) in ...
  4. (Conditionalities) Extra requirements other than repayment (such as structural adjustment policies) demanded by the lender before new loans are granted.
  5. (conditionalities) attached to loans by MEIs include requirements to open economic sectors to foreign investment, privatisation of state-owned enterprises and welfare services, removal of tariff barriers or food and fuel subsidies.
  6. 1. Depending upon certain conditions for a particular outcome. 2. A term pertinent to discussions of international development, often referring to the conditionality imposed upon &#145structural adjustment&#146 loans issued by instor elementary school education in developing countries. (MP)
  7. Characteristic of IMF approach to lending to countries in debt or crisis; specifically, requiring policy changes and structural reform as condition for receiving funds (see IMF)
  8. The requirements imposed by the IMF and World Bank on borrowing countries to qualify for a loan, typically including a long list of budgetary and policy changes comprising a structural adjustment program.
  9. the principle that access to new loans, rescheduling, debt reduction, etc, should be conditional on certain criteria being met. ...
  10. In reference to loans from International Financial Institutions, this is a set of stipulations a nation must meet in order to qualify for financial assistance. Often loans are conditioned on structural adjustments and market liberalization.
  11. refers to the conditions attached to aid money or loans
  12. the set of conditions that must be met before creditors disburse any loans. Since the early 1980s, for example, the vast majority of IMF and World Bank loans have required recipient countries to commit to 'fiscal austerity' measures which include: the privatization of state-owned enterprises, ...
  13. This notion applies to associations in OOA/D.  It describes whether the relationship is always present (unconditional) so long as both participants exist or exists only under some specific conditions (conditional). ...
  14. Under the Sharia'a, there is a general prohibition on making one contract conditional upon another contract.
  15. A macro-framework that allows one team to take two contrary positions.  It acknowledges the wide divergence of perspectives that make alternate, though contradictory, arguments necessary.  In a court of law this is analogous to “pleading in the alternative. ...
  16. economic polices or structural reforms that borrowing countries agree to follow as a condition for the use of IMF and World Bank loans.
  17. Additional requirements or responsibilities relative to a loan or debt other than simple repayment.