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concurrence 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. agreement of results or opinions
  2. acting together, as agents or circumstances or events
  3. a state of cooperation
  4. the temporal property of two things happening at the same time; "the interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable"
  5. (concurring) concordant: being of the same opinion
  6. In Western jurisprudence, concurrence (also contemporaneity or simultaneity) is the apparent need to prove the simultaneous occurrence of both actus reus ("guilty action") and mens rea ("guilty mind"), to constitute a crime; except in crimes of strict liability. ...
  7. In quantum computing, the concurrence is an entanglement monotone defined for a mixed state of two qubits as
  8. Agreement; concurring; An instance of simultaneous occurrence
  9. (Concurring) Beetz, McIntyre, Chouinard, and Lamer JJ.
  10. Agreement by one branch with an action originating in the other branch.
  11. One house "accepts" the actions of the other house.
  12. Agreement with a committee report, including the conclusions or recommendations it contains. Concurrence is arrived at in the House by the adoption of a motion.
  13. Agreement by one chamber to a proposal or action taken by the other chamber.
  14. A measure that has passed one house is sent to the second house for agreement or concurrence. The second house may concur or may refuse to concur.
  15. The occurrence of two or more activities within the same period of time, achieved either by interleaving the activities or by simultaneously executing the activities.
  16. A vote of an appellate judge that indicates the judge's agreement with the result or judgment of the majority opinion, but for different reasons.  A judge who concurs may write a separate opinion known as a concurring opinion.
  17. The requirement for a government agency to consider development proposals in the light of its specialised functions and policies, and decide whether it agrees with the development taking place
  18. The final acceptance of advanced standing based on a technical review of degree programs completed by the Office of College Assessment Services.
  19. Is an incident of a set of entities showing the same values of motion attributes at a certain instant or duration. It happens when a set of objects exhibits a synchronous movement or at least similar motion parameter values over a certain duration (e.g. ...
  20. Concurrence occurs when the first house agrees to pass a bill, agrees to one or more amendments adopted by the other house, the action is known as concurrence.
  21. Determination by an agency that information to date is adequate and a project can advance to the next stage of project development.
  22. Substantial member agreement reached through group discussion or other methods of membership response based on information presented by a study committee. Members are asked to concur, or agree with, a statement rather than answer a question as with consensus. ...
  23. an agreement between two carriers, which specifies how revenue from shared shipments are to be split.  It also usually specifies which accessorial charges are to be applied and points that freight will be interchanged.