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concupiscence 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Strong sexual desire; lust,
  1. Strong sexual desire; lust

  1. sexual desire: a desire for sexual intimacy
  2. Concupiscence from latin: con-, with + cupi, cupid - desire (usually sexual) + -escere - suffix denoting beginning of a process or state. Modern definitions tend towards an ardent, usually sensuous, longing; a strong sexual desire or lust. ...
  3. From the Latin word "concupiscentia:" the natural inclination or innate tendency of humans to perform evil deeds.
  4. [Rom.7:8; Col.3:5; 1 Th.4:5] irregular desires for carnal pleasure.
  5. Overpowering desire (not necessarily sexual)
  6. Human appetites or desires which remain disordered due to the temporal consequences of original sin, which remain even after Baptism, and which produce an inclination to sin.
  7. actualized appetite for what is physically pleasant
  8. A tendency within all humans toward selfishness that is due to their evolutionary origin. (Wimmer)