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concretion 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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concretions, plural;
  1. A hard solid mass formed by the local accumulation of matter, esp. within the body or within a mass of sediment
    • - a mass of small concretions, each built up layer upon layer around some small nucleus
  2. The formation of such a mass

  1. the formation of stonelike objects within a body organ (e.g., the kidneys)
  2. calculus: a hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts of the body; "renal calculi can be very painful"
  3. compaction: an increase in the density of something
  4. coalescence: the union of diverse things into one body or form or group; the growing together of parts
  5. A concretion is a volume of sedimentary rock in which a mineral cement fills the porosity (i.e. the spaces between the sediment grains). Concretions are often ovoid or spherical in shape, although irregular shapes also occur. ...
  6. The process of aggregating or coalescing into a mass; A solid, hard mass formed by a process of aggregation or coalescence; A rounded mass of a mineral, sometimes found in sedimentary rock or on the ocean floor; The action of making something concrete or the result of such an action
  7. (concreted) Solidified
  8. (Concretions) Local concentrations of chemical compounds such as calcium carbonate or iron oxide in the form of nodules. Three options have been given:
  9. a natural clay nodule formed out of solution in soil interstices. Often confused for man-made objects because of their peculiar shapes.
  10. a spheroidal, ellipsoidal (commonly oblate) or irregularly shaped mass, typically developed within sediments by localized deposition around a nucleus.
  11. A nodular concentration of mineral matter that, during weathering of the enclosing sedimentary rock, commonly is more resistant and freed as more-or-less rounded rocks. See Neuropteris, a Pennsylvanian plant, and Orbiculoidea, an inarticulate brachiopod.
  12. A concretion is a compact rock mass usually spherical or disk-shaped and embedded in a host rock of a different composition. ...
  13. A hard round, oval, or other-shaped of mass of mineral or aggregate matter of varying sizes. Commonly forms by chemical precipitation around a nucleus or center, or replacement of precursor organic or inorganic material. An example is siderite (iron, calcium carbonate) concretions.
  14. an accumulation of mineral matter, formed when particles of silica, pyrite, gypsum, etc. become cemented together into an orderly, rounded, often artificial-looking form
  15. A hard, compact mineral-mass of mineral matter that forms usually in sedimentary rock around a center such as bone, shell, leaf, or fossil.
  16. n. A hard, rounded mass, commonly of silica, calcite, dolomite, iron oxide, pyrite, or gypsum, that formed within a rock from the precipitation of these minerals around a nucleus, such as a leaf, bone, shell, or fossil, and ranging in diameter from centimeters to meters.
  17. any inorganic mass in a natural cavity or organ