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concerts 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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concerts, plural;
  1. Arrange (something) by mutual agreement or coordination
    • - they started meeting regularly to concert their tactics
  1. A musical performance given in public, typically by several performers or of several separate compositions
    • - symphony concerts
    • - a concert pianist
  2. Of, relating to, or denoting the performance of music written for opera, ballet, or theater on its own without the accompanying dramatic action
    • - the concert version of the fourth interlude from the opera
  3. Agreement, accordance, or harmony
    • - critics' inability to describe with any precision and concert the characteristics of literature

  1. (concert) a performance of music by players or singers not involving theatrical staging
  2. (concert) contrive (a plan) by mutual agreement
  3. (concerted) involving the joint activity of two or more; "concerted action"; "the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind"; "the conjunctive focus of political opposition"; "a cooperative effort"; "a united effort"; "joint military activities"
  4. Concerts is a live solo album by American pianist Keith Jarrett recorded in concert on May 28, 1981 at the Festspielhaus in Bregenz, Austria and on June 2, 1981 at the Herkulesaal in Munich, West Germany and originally released as a 3-LP set on the ECM label. accessed April 6, 2010. ...
  5. A concert is a live performance, usually of music, before an audience. The music may be performed by a single musician, sometimes then called a recital, or by a musical ensemble, such as an orchestra, a choir, or a musical band. Informal names for a concert include "show" and "gig". ...
  6. (Concert (operation)) On the 19th September 1943, an operation by Soviet partisans began under the code name “Concert.” It was one of largest of World War II in its effects on the incapacitation of railroad communications in enemy rear logistics. ...
  7. (Concert (Pet Shop Boys album)) Concrete is the seventeenth album by the British band Pet Shop Boys. It was released on 23 October 2006. ...
  8. (Concerted) In chemistry, a concerted reaction is a chemical reaction in which all bond breaking and bond making occurs in a single step. Reactive intermediates or other unstable high energy intermediates are not involved. ...
  9. (The Concert (ballet)) The Concert (or The Perils of Everybody) is a ballet made by Jerome Robbins, subsequently New York City Ballet's balletmaster, to Chopin's: The décor was by Saul Steinberg, the costumes by Irene Sharaff and the lighting by Ronald Bates; the premiere took place at City ...
  10. (The Concert (Creedence Clearwater Revival album)) The Concert is a live album by American band Creedence Clearwater Revival, released in 1980. The album was recorded at the Oakland Coliseum, California on the 31st January 1970.
  11. (The Concert (Vermeer)) The Concert is a painting of c. 1664 by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. It was stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston in March 1990. It is considered the most valuable painting currently stolen. Its value has been estimated at over $200,000,000. ...
  12. (concert) Agreement in a design or plan; union formed by mutual communication of opinions and views; accordance in a scheme; harmony; simultaneous action; Musical accordance or harmony; concord; A musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part; To plan together; to ...
  13. (concerted) Performed through a concert of effort; done by agreement or in combination; Having separate parts for voices and instruments
  14. (CONCERT) Extremely dangerous form of torture for both students and audience. Fatal if used in durations exceeding one hour.
  15. (Concert) A musical performance requiring the cooperation of several musicians.
  16. (Concert (Grand Concert)) Guitar design: Small guitar form
  17. (Concert (regarding pitch)) Refers to absolute pitch as named without regard to transposition. For example, an instrument "in A" sounds the pitch concert A when playing a written C. See this tutorial on transposition for more information.
  18. (Concert) Irish Rock band U2 played to 97,014 fans on October 25, 2009 on the North American Leg of the 360° Tour. This concert was released on BD and DVD as U2 360° at the Rose Bowl.
  19. (Concert) To dream of a concert of a high musical order, denotes delightful seasons of pleasure, and literary work to the author. To the business man it portends successful trade, and to the young it signifies unalloyed bliss and faithful loves. ...
  20. (Concert) a place where people go to cough and sneeze.
  21. (Concert) a program of music performed by one or more musicians. The first public concerts charging admission were held in the 16th century.
  22. (The Concert) This is a painting by Valentin (1594 - 1632). The painting contains 3 instrumentalists; a lutenist, a violinist and a guitarist".
  23. (concerted) Planned or accomplished together.
  24. Forget meeting anyone at a huge auditorium full of screaming fans. Instead try a small club venue, jazz club, or perhaps a concert in the park.