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concerted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Jointly arranged, planned, or carried out; coordinated,
  1. Jointly arranged, planned, or carried out; coordinated
    • - determined to begin a concerted action against them
  2. Strenuously carried out; done with great effort
    • - it would take a concerted effort for a burglar to break into my home
  3. (of music) Arranged in several parts of equal importance
    • - concerted secular music for voices

  1. involving the joint activity of two or more; "concerted action"; "the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind"; "the conjunctive focus of political opposition"; "a cooperative effort"; "a united effort"; "joint military activities"
  2. In chemistry, a concerted reaction is a chemical reaction in which all bond breaking and bond making occurs in a single step. Reactive intermediates or other unstable high energy intermediates are not involved. ...
  3. Performed through a concert of effort; done by agreement or in combination; Having separate parts for voices and instruments
  4. Planned or accomplished together.