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conceptualization 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally
  2. an elaborated concept
  3. (conceptualize) gestate: have the idea for; "He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients"; "This library was well conceived"
  4. A concept (abstract term: conception) is a cognitive unit of meaning—an abstract idea or a mental symbol sometimes defined as a "unit of knowledge," built from other units which act as a concept's characteristics. ...
  5. The process of forming a conceptual form of a phenomenon; the act of conceptualizing; The concept so formed; something conceptualized
  6. (Conceptualize) The ability to visualize something being verbally described.
  7. (Conceptualizing) Thinking about a game and asking (and answering) to yourself all conceivable 'wopen' questions about it.
  8. The taxonomy suggests a more complete approach to the conceptualization of segmentation problems. Not least, it brings together demand-side and supply-side issues—an important consideration given the relative neglect of supply-side issues over the past few decades. ...
  9. is expanded thought that taps in to early levels of practical intuition as part of the process, if you will, that surpasses logical thinking. ...
  10. Defining the scope, theoretical framework, and essential elements of a research endeavor.
  11. The process of selecting the specific concepts to include in positivist and interpretive research studies.