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concentric 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or denoting circles, arcs, or other shapes that share the same center, the larger often completely surrounding the smaller,
  1. Of or denoting circles, arcs, or other shapes that share the same center, the larger often completely surrounding the smaller
    • - concentric circles indicate distances of 1 km, 2 km, and 3 km from the center

  1. having a common center; "concentric rings"
  2. Concentric objects share the same center, axis or origin with one inside the other. Circles, tubes, cylindrical shafts, disks, and spheres may be concentric to one another. Concentric objects generally have different radii, as concentric objects with the same radius are equal.
  3. Having a common center; (of a motion) in the direction of contraction of a muscle. (E.g. extension of the lower arm via the elbow joint while contracting the triceps and other elbow extensor muscles; closing of the jaw while flexing the masseter)
  4. Sharing the same center. With regard to cartridges, one part inside the other.
  5. Running true or having the same center. In camshaft terminology, the cam bearings and lobes are concentric to each other when the cam is straight and there is .001" or less runout between all the cam lobes and bearings.
  6. Having two sets of walls, one inside the other.
  7. A muscle exerting force when shortening
  8. The lifting phase of an exercise, when the muscle shortens or contracts. For example, When you lift the weight in a bench press, press-ing it from your chest to the lock-out position, that's the concentric, or "positive," phase of the exercise.
  9. Having the same center.
  10. A searchcoil configuration using one or more transmit and one receive windings having unequal diameters aligned on a common center; most recently arranged on the same plane and called Coplanar Concentric.
  11. A central core surrounded by one or more layers of materials, all sharing a common central axis.
  12. An aggregate described as having foliated masses that are somewhat spherical and rotate about a center; appearing like a rose (rosette). It is also used to describe a form of banding where the bands are circular, forming rings about a central point.
  13. general name for any spacing scheme in millefiori weights which features concentric circles of canes placed around a central cane or cluster of canes. ...
  14. following the direction of growth lines, mostly in bivalves.
  15. Having a common center like a penetrating item centered in the middle of a through-penetration hole.
  16. This system comprises of two pipes one inside the other, the internal pipe takes the exhaust gases from the boiler to the atmosphere and the outer pipe supplies air to the boiler. ...
  17. arranged around a common centre.
  18. Muscle working as it shortens.
  19. Two shapes that have the same center point.