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concavities 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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concavities, plural;
  1. The state or quality of being concave

  2. A concave surface or thing

  1. (concavity) concave shape: a shape that curves or bends inward
  2. (Concavity) A weld that drops under the intended perpendicular plane.
  3. (Concavity) A concave condition applicable to the width of any flat surface.
  4. (Concavity) The maximum perpendicular distance from the face of a concave weld to a line joining the toes.
  5. (concavity) A part of the graph of a function is said to be concave down if it looks like part of a frown, and concave up if it looks like part of a cup (up...cup..., there's a mnemonic device). ...
  6. (concavity) measures whether a function of one variable opens upward (concavity positive, second derivative positive,) downward (concavity and second derivative negative,) or is flat (all zero)