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computes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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computes, 3rd person singular present; computed, past tense; computing, present participle; computed, past participle;
  1. Calculate or reckon (a figure or amount)
    • - we can compute the exact increase
    • - depreciation is computed by applying the straight-line method
  2. Make a calculation, esp. using a computer
    • - modern circuitry can compute faster than any chess player
  3. Seem reasonable; make sense
    • - the idea just doesn't compute

  1. (compute) calculate: make a mathematical calculation or computation
  2. (Compute!) Compute! was an American computer magazine that was published from 1979 to 1994, though it can trace its origin to 1978 in Len Lindsay's PET Gazette, one of the first magazines for the Commodore PET computer . In its 1980s heyday Compute! ...
  3. (Compute) To find the numerical result by applying arithmetic operations.
  4. (Compute) is the computational part of Windows Azure, and very often it is referred to as Hosted Service. ...
  5. (Compute) joins the com (with) and the Latin root putare. This root is often cited as related to thinking or reckoning, but its meaning comes from an early word for cut or slice. The same root appears in amputate. ...
  6. (Compute) magazine begins coverage of the TI-99/4A with a single article that is written by C. Regena. It covers the hardware, software and miscellaneous resources of our computer. Editor Robert Lock also announces the Spring 1983 birth of The Commodore Gazette.
  7. Compute is used for creating new variables on the basis of variables already present in the data matrix. It is possible to do calculations with existing variables, such as calculating the sums of the values on several variables, percentaging, multiplying variables by a constant, etc. ...
  8. a personal computer, particularly the Macintosh SE that is used to perform astrological calculations and give the Meyers-Briggs personality test at Big Fun. The Big Fun computes is normally located in Sara's room and almost completely obstructs the mirror that Sara uses when she applies eyeliner.